December 17

Favorite Posts of the Year 2022 – Part 2

While we love to point you to great resources from across the Product Management web, we’re also pretty proud of the posts we publish right here on Product Collective. With that in mind, here are some of our favorite posts to wrap up our 2021 roundup.

21 Best product management podcasts for product managers in 2021. Product managers are in an exciting position – we’re constantly looking for new ways to deliver value to our customers in ways that move key metrics and are viable to the business. You have to collaborate with several stakeholders throughout the organization, including your direct product teams, support teams, and executive leadership. While there can be rewarding moments through all this, there are also a lot of challenging moments. In those times, it’s helpful to have somewhere you can go for advice. Bill Ryan identifies 21 product management podcasts you can turn to for any type of advice you’re seeking.

The two “A” words every researcher, designer and PM should know. Kristen Berman and Lindsay Juarez introduce attribution and affective forecasting errors and explain how they can influence researchers, designers, and PMs. Kristen and Lindsay explain how these behavioral design concepts impact your approach to designing products.

New product development process: 2021 NPD guide. Creating new products can be a fascinating journey – both for start-up Founders and Product Managers alike. Some succeed where others fail – but what sets those apart who go on to launch successful products? Monica Viggers takes a look at the new product development process steps that can set you off in the right direction.

Product manager vs. project manager: 6 Differences & similarities. There’s bound to be confusion when you have two jobs with the same abbreviation and similar-sounding titles. When you compare product manager vs. project manager, you’ll find there are some significant differences as well as essential similarities. Kent McDonald took a look at those two job descriptions along with some information to consider when deciding whether you should have both job titles in your organization.

What is product adoption: How to measure + examples (2021 guide). Product adoption is not something that companies can afford to ignore. After all, it’s not profitable to build a product that no one is willing to purchase. You need loyal customers that regularly use your product, and product adoption can help you find those customers. Sara J. Nguyen takes an in-depth look at product adoption and shares some examples of how companies have influenced product adoption.

Kent J McDonald

About the author

Kent J McDonald writes about and practices software product management. He has product development experience in a variety of industries including financial services, health insurance, nonprofit, and automotive. Kent practices his craft with a variety of product teams and provides just in time resources for product people at and Product Collective. When not writing or product managing, Kent is his family’s #ubersherpa, listens to jazz and podcasts (but not necessarily podcasts about jazz), and collects national parks.


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